Please fill in all the information below. Use Calibri 11 as font. You can write your proposal in Dutch, French or English. The document cannot exceed 10 pages literature references excepted.
1. General information
Title of project proposal
Principal Investigator Name
Telephone number Principal Investigator
Email address Principal Investigator
Research Organization Name
Head of Department
Telephone number Head of Department
Email address Head of Department
Authorized Financial Official
Telephone number Authorized Financial Official
Email address Authorized Financial Official
2. Project title and Research summary
Write a small summary of your proposal
3. Research Plan
3.1. Which problem do you address? What are the needs ?
3.2. What is already existing to address the problem?
3.3. What is your objective with the current research plan? What is the added value for dementia care in Belgium?
3.4. Please develop your proposal and your methodology in maximum 5 pages
3.5. Please inform us if your research group has already similar projects and what the added value of this proposal is.
3.6. It is important to end your research plan with a paragraph how the outcome of research can be used in Belgium, your dissemination
4. Assurances and Certifications
This only applies when your project proposal needs an ethical approval.
5. Photograph Principal Investigator
Please add a photo
6. Research Environment
This is to determine if your department is capable to execute the research as outlined in the research plan.
7. Available Other Support
Will you get other support, financially or other resources to execute your research plan?
8. Biographical Sketch
Professional experience
9. Authorized Signature
Please read the award terms and conditions of the Psychosocial call and send us the signed document with your application.
10. Budget Justification
Please fill in the attached BUDGET TABLE outlining the required period, and the expenses each year divided in Personnel, Supplies, Equipment and Travel signed by the principal investigator and the financial official and explain why.